He was a typical Mumbai ‘khadoos': Local cricketers in shock after Hiken Shah incident

Published on: Monday, 13 July 2015 //

Hiken Shah, Hiken Shah fixing,fixing Hiken Shah, Hiken Shah Mumbai, Hiken Shah suspension, Hiken Shah BCCI, Spot fixing, IPL spot fixing, Cricket News, Cricket The Mumbai cricketing circle was in shock as they realised that one of their own is now facing probe from BCCI on the charges of corruption. (Source: Express File)

There was shock and disbelief in Mumbai cricketing circle after BCCI suspended batsman Hiken Shah for making a “corrupt approach” to a fellow player during the last IPL.

“It’s a shocking piece of news for me. We can’t still believe that Hiken could be involved in such a thing,” said a stunned Mumbai Cricket Association joint secretary Dr PV Shetty told PTI.

Did at any point in time he found something suspicious in Hiken’s behaviour?

“Never ever. I always found him to be a good sincere boy. At this point I would not like to comment as BCCI will carry out a complete investigation,” Dr Shetty said.

In fact the news is yet to sink in for many who have seen the cricketer from close quarters. “It is another shocking piece of news. When Ankit Chavan was found guilty of spot-fixing, I found it difficult to believe that a boy like Ankit could have been involved in such a nasty act. Now it’s Hiken, who was this quiet unassuming boy,” a former Ranji player from Mumbai said. A Gujarati boy, Hiken was one of those quintessential players who slogged it day in and day out in confines of domestic cricket.

“A decent left-handed batsman with loads of patience. He was a typical Mumbai “khadoos” (a term for gutsy fighter in Mumbai cricketing lingo) cricketer. He was not very talented and also failed to cement a permanent place as his 37 first class matches would suggest. His batting was effective without being attractive,” the cricketer added.

What people in Mumbai cricket fraternity are finding tough to understand is as to what drove him towards this criminal act.

Hiken had a government job with Mumbai Customs which he represented in Times Shield. In Kanga League, he played for Payade cricket club owned by PV Shetty.

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